Cash Flow Report

Cash Flow Report

The Cash Flow "waterfall" Report can help you visualize the health of your Practice. It contains KPIs of Gross and Net Collections and exposes delays in Charges and the flow of Payments over time.  For the selected time span, you will see all posted transactions against the Date of Service month.

Specific metrics revealed by the Cash Flow Report

  • Time to bill: View the Charges from left to right for a given month
  • If more than a day or two of Charges are being posted in a different month than the DOS month, there is a breakdown in the process.
  • Time to collect: View Payments from left to right for a given month
  • The further to the right you have to go to resolve balances the less you are able to collect in a timely manner.
  • Calculates remaining A/R for the Date of Service month.

 Access the Cash Flow Report   

  1. Click Reports on the left menu.
  2. Click Cash Flow under the A/R panel.

  1. Complete the applicable Report fields.
  • Select the Time Span
  • Select the Start Month
  • Enter the Start Year
  • Dates at the top are Posted Dates.
  • Dates down the side are Dates of Service (DOS).

  1. Click Run [F2].

Report Metrics Example

  • Month 2020-01 on the side; Jan-20 Column
  • Charges = Charges Posted in January with a January DOS
  • Adjustments = Adjustments Posted in January with a January DOS
  • Payments = Payments Posted in January with a January DOS
  • Month 2020-01 on the side; Feb-19 Column
  • Charges = Charges Posted in February with a January DOS
  • Payments = Payments Posted in February with a January DOS
  • Totals: Sum of all data to the left of the Totals Column
  • Posted After: Sum of all data that was posted after the dates represented on the report
  • Example:
  • The report is run on June 1, 2021 for Jan-Dec 2020.
  • The Totals column shows everything that was posted in 2020.
  • If there was money posted in Jan-May of 2021 against DOS in 2020, this would be shown in the Posted After column. "What money was Posted After the dates represented on the report?"
  • By including the Posted After money, Net Collection calculations account for all money that has been posted.
  • Gross Collections
  • Totals + Posted After / Total Charges (x 100 for percentage).
  • Net Collections: Industry standard metric for describing "of the money that was collectible (allowed amounts) what % was collected?"
  • While 100% is not achievable, the goal is to be as close to that percentage as possible.
  • Total + Posted After (Adjustments, Payments, Write-Offs, Transfers, Refunds) / Total Charges (x 100 for percentage).


  • Total Charges - Remaining A/R / Total Charges (x 100 for percentage).

Example of Charges

  • Goal met: $100,000 of Charges with DOS in January were posted in January and all were billed in January.
  • Goal not met: If a significant amount of January charges show in February or after, the Charges are not getting from the Provider to the Payer on time.

Example of Payments

  • Goal met: Some Payments may reflect in January with more in February and March.
  • In April and beyond, the Payments should be tapering off.
  • Goal not met: If many of the Payments are posted too far from the DOS, it is reflected in lower Net Collections percentages.

Example of the Cash Flow Report

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