While we provide many resources for the best use of the System, sometimes groups need basic training on medical billing, and that is training we do not provide.
Hire a billing company: If you have recently lost an experienced biller, consider hiring a billing company. We work with many billing companies who are already experts on medical billing and our System. This can provide temporary relief to your practice, or it could be a good fit for a permanent solution. We can make recommendations for billing companies that have experience in your specialty.
Reach out to other clinics in your area to see if you can exchange ideas/issues.
Use online Medical Billing resources.
The AMBA (American Medical Billing Association) offers a wide range of billing classes.
Attend CMS (Medicare) webinars.
Sign up for listservs to keep up on industry changes.
Join a professional organization.
AMA (American Medical Association): AMA Youtube Channel has practice related content, as well as, some specific to billing
AAPC offers courses in credentialing, specialty training for medical coding and billing, documentation, compliance, practice management, denial resolution, and behavioral health along with many other courses.
The ACP (American College of Physicians) has a Practice Resource section on their site.
AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians)