The Main Dashboard provides a visual overview of data stored in other system-delivered Dashboards. The Main Dashboard sections are:
- Practice Analysis
- Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
- Accounts Receivable (A/R)
All three sections have a detailed page that can be accessed by selecting the desired tab on the top panel, or by selecting the section title.
- Individual Practices (Databases) can filter this page by Facility and Facility Reporting Group.
- Billing Companies can filter this page by Database.
The following information is only applicable to the sections on the Main Dashboard, not the tabs listed above.
Practice Analysis
- Revenue by Group:
- Shows all of the posted Payments that have been received from the beginning of the previous week until the previous day's date by the Post Date of the Payments.
- Visits (Encounters) by Date of Service:
- Shows the count of each unique Patient and DOS from the beginning of the previous week until the previous day's date.
- Drag the Slider Bar at the bottom of the visual to adjust the view.
- Week Over Week Encounter Count:
- Counts Encounters from Sunday to Saturday by the Encounter Post Date, comparing the previous two weeks with two weeks prior.
- Example: At the start of May, this Visual compares the count of Encounters by Post Date for the last two weeks of April with the first two weeks of April.
- The Date displayed is the first day of the week's count.
- Patients Week Over Week:
- Counts unique Patients from Saturday to Sunday by Encounter Post Date, comparing the previous week with two weeks prior.
- Example: At the start of May, this Visual compares the count of unique Patients by Encounter Post Date for the last two weeks of April with the first two weeks of April.
- The Date displayed is the first day of the week's count.
- The Top 3 Procedures by Count:
- Counts each Procedure Code over the previous four weeks by Encounter Post Date.
- This displays the three Procedure Codes with the highest count.
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
- Days to Bill:
- The difference in days between the date the Encounter was added and the first time the Claim was printed or sent to the Clearinghouse.
- This looks for all Encounters posted over the previous one month.
- Average Days to Add Month Over Month:
- The difference in days between the date the Encounter was added and the Date of Service of the Encounter.
- Takes the average Days to Add for the previous month by Encounter Post Date and compares with the average Days to Add of two months prior.
- Copay Collection Rate:
- If a Copay was received on the DOS of the Encounter, it is divided by the total number of Encounters where a Copay was designated by Insurance Adjudication.
- Looks at all Encounters posted over the previous two months with a lag time of one month.
- Example: At the start of May, this Visual considers all Encounters posted in February and March, but excludes April.
- Claim Rejection Percentage:
- Finds the percentage of Claims that have received a Rejection from the Clearinghouse or Payer compared to the Claims that were not Rejected.
- Considers all Claims for Encounters posted within the previous two months with a lag time of one month.
- Example: At the start of May, this Visual considers all Claims that are for Encounters posted in February or March, but excludes April.
- Charges Not Billed, Counts and Dollar Amounts by Group:
- This looks at all Encounters not yet billed.
- Includes the Counts and Sum of Charges.
- Encounters with Insurance listed: If a Claim has not been sent to the Clearinghouse, it is considered Not Billed.
- Self-Pay Encounters: Looks for Charges where a Statement has not been mailed.
Accounts Receivable (A/R)
- A/R Aging by Group:
- Shows a heat map of outstanding A/R broken down by Group.
- This metric is sectioned off by Aging Bucket.
- A darker color signifies that the aging bucket holds a larger portion of the total outstanding balance.
- A/R:
- The total amount of outstanding A/R as of the previous day.
- Days in A/R:
- The total outstanding A/R divided by the average amount billed in a Billing Day.
- Billing Days can be customized by using the Slider Bar to the right of the metric. The slider bar can:
- Define the number of days per week that billing occurs.
- Define the number of months to look back when calculating Billing Days.
- Example: A practice bills Monday through Friday and wants to exclude the past three months of charges. Set Look Back Months to 3 and set Weekly Billing Days to 5.
- A/R by Group:
- Shows the total outstanding A/R broken down by Group.