Anesthesia Crosswalk® Codes

Anesthesia Crosswalk® Codes

Contact Support or your Implementation Manager to use this feature.

What is an Anesthesia (ASA) Crosswalk®?

The Anesthesia Crosswalk® maps the Surgery Procedure Code to the corresponding Anesthesia Code. This is an add-on provided by the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA).

  • Subscribe to the ASA Crosswalk® service for the Anesthesia Crosswalk® Codes to be uploaded and maintained automatically.

    • There is a small royalty fee.

    • The ASA Crosswalk® also provides and maintains the Base Units for each Anesthesia Procedure.

  • If you do not subscribe to the Anesthesia Crosswalk® Services, the Anesthesia Crosswalk® can be added manually.

Manually Add an Anesthesia Crosswalk

AdminAnesthesia Time Units

  1. Select the Anesthesia Crosswalk button.

  1. Select the Add button.
  2. CPT®: Enter the Surgical CPT® Code.
  3. Anes: Enter the Anesthesia CPT® Code to use with the Surgical CPT® Code.
  4. Select Save [F2].

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