Admin Query Report

Admin Query Report

The Admin Query Report functions are for Administrators to track specific User information.

Admin Functions

Access Log

  • List of Users that have accessed the Database
  • User
  • DateTime the Database was accessed
  • IP Address
  • Database number

Who Is Logged In?

  • List of Users who are currently Logged In
  • User
  • Program
  • DateTime of Log In
  • Database Number

Last Accessed Patients

  • List of Patients that have been accessed
  • Patient ID of User who accessed the Patient
  • Date and Time Patient was accessed
  • User who accessed the Patient

Last Reports

  • List of Reports that have been run
  • View: Select the link to view the Report
  • Date and Time the Report was run
  • Title of the Report
  • File Name
  • Report Parameters
  • User who ran the Report

Deleted Receipts

  • List of Receipts that have been deleted
  • Receipt number
  • Amount of the Receipt
  • Amount that was Applied
  • Amount is Escrow
  • Type of Payment
  • Reference #
  • User who Deleted the Receipt
  • Date and Time the Deletion was done
  • Reason for the Deletion

AR Log

  • Undone Transactions
  • Encounter ID
  • Date and Time
  • Action
  • Program
  • Note
  • User

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