Access Statement/Invoice Batches

Access Statement/Invoice Batches

Access Statement/Invoice Batches

Use the Navigation Search field

  • Enter stb in the Navigation Search field and enter
  • The Statement Batch History screen displays
  • If you know the Statement Batch number, enter stb space and the statement batch number which will take you directly to Statement Batch Items for that specific Statement Batch. (Example stb 251)

Statements/Invoices Dashboard

History Panel

  • Select the History link to view all historical Statement Batches
  • Create Cycle Batch button.
  • Create On-Demand Batch.

Statements/Invoices within Cycle Days Panel

This panel categorizes Statements/Invoices by their Status across all Batches within the cycle days determined by Admin > Statement Profiles > Add/Modify > Cycle Days.

  • Example: If the Cycle Days = 28, Statements/Invoices batched in the last 28 days will display.


The Status column will provide information on why each item did not mail and the number of items that were Mailed. Select the items number to view specific items.

  • Error: There are various statuses for items highlighted in red that were not Mailed.
  • Not Yet Mailed: Items that were Batched but not Mailed.
  • These may simply need to be uploaded (or printed/mailed) or may be in an Exceptions Batch to be reviewed/uploaded (or printed/mailed).
  • There may be other Errors than those listed above.
  • Delivered: Electronic notifications that have been successfully delivered.
  • Mailed: Items that were Batched and Mailed successfully.

Last Batch/24 hours/7days

  • Last Batch: To view the Last Statement Batch that was created, choose the Statement Number link in the Last Batch field.
  • Select the Batch Items number link to see all Statements in the Last Statement batch.
  • Statements Batched in last 24 hours: To view, select the number link.
  • Statements Batched in last 7 days: To view, select the number link.

Batches To Be Sent/Processed Panel

  • Statement Batches that have not been sent/uploaded or printed will be listed in the Statement Batches to Be Sent/Processed panel.

    • Select the Batch number.

  • Exception Batches are displayed in the list.

    • Select the Items number to view.

  • After the Batch is uploaded/printed, it will be removed from this panel.

    • It will be displayed in History.

    • If a Batch has been uploaded, it cannot be uploaded again.

Notifications-Scheduled to be Sent within Cycle Days Panel

Usually, in the case of errors, an email needs to be updated or a new email address requested.

  • Once corrected and Statements are batched again, either by the Job Scheduler, or On-Demand, the Guarantors/Notification will be removed from the error table automatically if the notification is successfully sent and no other action is needed.

Employer Invoice Number on the Encounter Dashboard

The Employer Invoice number is displayed in the Charge Panel on the Encounter Dashboard.



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