AB75 Claims

AB75 Claims

AB75 Claims

The AB75 program supports and pays for indigent medical care provided by local hospitals and physicians to persons without health insurance.

The AB75 Claim occurs automatically when the Statements are batched. 

Contact Support To Activate

  • The AB75 Claims process must be activated by Support.
  • Codes must be added to the AB75 Insurance.

Add the AB75 Insurance to the Facility

Use the AB75 Insurance field on the Add/Modify Facility screen to specify the Insurance that should be used for automated AB75 Insurance profile creation.

  • This field only displays if AB75 has been activated.

Batching Statements

If an Encounter has met its Dunning Cycle and the Facility on the charge is linked to an AB75 Insurance:

  • The AB75 Insurance will be added to the current Insurance Profile;
  • The Balance will be transferred to the AB75 Insurance;
  • The Encounter will be marked Ready for Submission on the AB75 Insurance.
  • The Policy Number does not appear on the Encounter/Patient Dashboard.

Claims Batch Dashboard Button

This button only displays if the AB75 setting has been activated.

  • Selecting the AB75 Button on the Claims Batch Dashboard produces a csv report.

For Internal Use Only: AB75 SettingAB75 Cross Codes

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